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Sub-fertility and stress

Sub-fertility and stress are inextricably linked. In many cases, sub-fertility is neither attributed to an obvious underlying medical cause nor influenced by increased risk factors like the woman’s age. This can be frustrating for the couple, since there is no obvious organic cause of their failed attempts to conceive naturally.

At the same time, stress has a significant impact on a person’s emotional and physical health. This creates a vicious cycle since it is the same feelings of stress and anxiety which undermine fertility.

The modern lifestyle includes pressing financial obligations, unemployment, excessive debts, and long working hours, a lack of free time, an uncertain economic and political environment and frequent mood swings. These factors disorientate couples and give rise to a chain reaction of stress causes which have a significant impact on communication between them as well as on their emotional well-being, inner peace and overall physical health. experienced differently by different women depending on their psychological make-up. Anger, sadness, sorrow, depression, self-imposed social isolation, alienation from one’s partner, mutual accusations, tensions, guilt, self-deprecation, self-abasement, loss of sexual intimacy and many other negative emotions prevent the human body from functioning normally and activate hormones which adversely affect the desire to stay pregnant.

There is no concrete scientific evidence that anxiety can affect fertility dramatically and directly. However, it has been established that it disrupts the body’s hormones, heart function, and the immune system and deregulates all bodily organs, causing low sperm motility and erectile dysfunction, delayed ovulation, amenorrhoea and other problems.

First, you must undergo all the required tests for female and male infertility. If all possible medical causes have been excluded and there are no risk factors, relax and let time work its magic. Not worrying about whether you will conceive or not is not enough; you must also try to avoid stressing out over everyday problems. It is the only way to relax and allow your body and mind to function as they should. Embrace your sexuality, enjoy your day, stop stressing out over work, do not isolate yourself, exercise, develop healthy eating habits and increase your chances of conceiving.

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