Monday - Wednesday - Thursday - 14:30 - 19:00

Natural cycle IVF or Ovarian stimulation protocol?

The dilemma confronting several young couples who are interested in IVF treatment is whether it would be best to undergo natural cycle IVF instead of a fertility drug treatment.

To answer this problem one should look at statistics. In the cases of women, where the collection of 2-3 oocytes during oocyte retrieval is predicted, ovarian stimulation is recommended. The increased number of oocytes that we collect after ovarian stimulation subsequently increases the number of embryos which are suitable for transfer. The increased number of available embryos for transfer allows us, firstly, to transfer more than one embryo to the uterus and, secondly, to select the highest quality embryos. These options are not available in natural cycle IVF.

It is particularly restrictive, regarding fertilization potential and a positive outcome, to invest all our hopes in a single oocyte. As our aims regarding fertility increase, so does the possibility of finding quality embryos for transfer.

However, in cases of ovarian insufficiency, where the use of gonadotropins is fruitless, the choice of a slightly modified natural cycle is considered a wise choice. We refer to a modified natural cycle due to the uncertain outcome of a wholly natural cycle. The administration of drugs for mild stimulation from day 6-7 of the cycle, combined with the administration of the antagonist and regular hormone testing, can ensure a successful outcome of our efforts.
These types of therapies are more economically advantageous due to their lower success rates.

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