Monday - Wednesday - Thursday - 14:30 - 19:00

Fertility Tests

The principal fertility tests for a couple with infertility problems are a Hysterosalpingography and a hormonal profile for the woman and a Sperm Analysis for the man.

In more detail, the hysterosalpingogram is an X-ray imaging test which examines the uterus and the Fallopian tubes by injecting a contrast fluid (dye). The examination provides us with valuable information about the uterine cavity (images which may not appear on ultrasound) and the permeability of the Fallopian tubes.

The woman’s hormonal profile is a test for five hormones (FSH, LH,Estradiol, PRL, TSH) on the third day of menstruation. We gather useful information about the woman’s fertility potential, which, combined with the couple’s general examinations’ results, indicates the preferred mode of treatment by a medical expert.

The spermiogram is the standard test for evaluating semen quality. It is vital that the test is conducted by a clinical embryologist at a center for assisted reproduction. It is either examined after three to five days of abstinence at the clinic or transported to the clinic in less than an hour in warm conditions. It provides us with useful information about the number, motility and morphology of the sperm.

In cases of couples with a particular medical history (e.g. a history of recurrent pregnancy loss) a series of medical examinations are suggested by the expert on reproduction, if he believes that there is a need for further examination of certain factors for infertility ( peripheral blood karyotyping, thrombophilia screening, immunological test, sperm DNA fragmentation test etc). These are by no means a standard part of the process of testing a couple’s fertility.

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